From Wageloch Wiki

Welcome to the FAQ page!

This page will contain information and quick solutions to some of our most commonly asked questions, and links to more detailed user guides.

Can't see what you're after or unable to find an article? Please contact Helpdesk


I'm getting errors when trying to export my timesheet from Wageloch to my payroll system. Please help!

Please call the Wageloch Helpdesk immediately for payroll priority assistance.

If you're unable to get through to the team on your first attempt, please leave a priority voicemail message by pressing 2 on your phone when prompted.
Tell us who you are, where you're from and the best number to reach you on for a fast response time (max. 15 min wait).

Leaving a priority message bumps you to the top of our contact list and we'll ring you back ASAP.

When I try to export, I'm getting a message saying there's no mapping or an employee doesn't exist. What's going on?"

For Mapping errors, it just means there's been hours recorded for an employee in a a timesheet column, and that timesheet column hasn't been linked to a pay category in your payroll system.

  • Take note of the pay group on the error message and the timesheet column name.
  • Click the Settings cog, top right.
  • Select Payroll and Payroll Mappings from the menu.
  • Select the pay group from the drop menu, top left.
  • Find the timesheet column in the list.
  • On the right column, you'll see that you need to select a pay category (depends on the system)
  • Once complete, click Done to save.
  • You can now try to export your timesheets again.

For Employee errors where the system states that the employee doesn't exist, it's usually one of a few reasons; the main ones being spaces in the name fields:

  • Check the employee's staff card in your payroll system, and confirm there are no random spaces before or after the name.
  • This can be done by clicking into the name field and pressing Home and End on your keyboard.
  • Delete any spaces that shouldn't be present and Save.
    • NOTE: Wageloch strips these random spaces when importing staff from payroll; if the staff names don't match exactly the export will fail.
  • You can now try to export your timesheets from Wageloch again.

Other common reasons can be that the employee has been terminated in payroll prior to the timesheet being exported, or duplicate staff entries in either Wageloch or your payroll system.

If you have issues with any duplicate staff entries, please contact Helpdesk for assistance in finding out which one to keep and correcting your rosters/timesheets.

Guides: System Integrations

Public Holidays

There's no public holidays showing in my roster or timesheet. What's going on?

It's likely that your public holiday list is incorrect or out of date - thankfully it's super easy to update!

  • Open Wageloch and sign in
  • Click the Settings cog, top right corner.
  • From the menu, select Public Holidays.
  • Click the Download Latest List button
    • NOTE: If you don't see this button available, please speak to your payroll team.
  • You'll be presented with a list of states; select the appropriate one for your business.
  • Please read and click OK to acknowledge the liability prompt.
  • Your public holiday list should now be updated!

Please pop into your rosters or timesheets and check if the day is now listed as a public holiday.
Should you continue to have issues, please contact Helpdesk

I can't see PHNoWork for this employee in my roster, and the day is showing as a public holiday

There may be four (4) reasons for PHNoWork not appearing for an employee under your right-click roles:

  • Your public holiday list is out of date; see the above FAQ on how to update the list.
  • The employee is a casual staff member, who is not eligible for PHNoWork.
  • The employee is a salary employee; they don't need to be marked on the roster as they'll be paid for their contracted hours regardless.
  • PHNoWork hasn't been enabled for the pay group; Wageloch will need to add this in for you.

If you have any issues with PHNoWork and any of the above, please contact the Helpdesk to discuss.

Staff Cards

Why can't I edit the information on this employee's staff card?"

If you're able to view employee staff cards but not able to edit a lot of the information (personal info, contact details, pay group, rates) it's likely due to your payroll being completed by a third-party provider, or you have an internal payroll team with elevated access.

But I am the payroll person. Why can't I change it? There could be a couple of reasons why you can't update the details, depending on what you're trying to do:

  • You're actually at the site level, viewing the staff card; switch to your Payroll level (top right)
  • If you're at payroll level, check the Central Control/Overrides tab within the staff card; this will control the email and phone info.

How do I terminate an employee?

Super easy, providing you have the right level of access. It's also important to know that terminating an employee doesn't completely delete them from Wageloch, but rather archives and hides them. This allows you to run reports with historical data, or reactivate the staff card if they return to work for you.
It's also important to know that terminating an employee is best done after you've exported their final timesheet from Wageloch, and you may need to check any current or future rosters, and any templates you use to make sure their shifts removed.

  • Open Wageloch and sign in
  • Click Staff from the top menu.
  • Click the name of the employee from the list staff.
  • Once the staff card is open, click Other.
  • Tick Terminate On and enter the date they finished working for you.
  • Click Done to save.

If you find that the Terminate On option is greyed out, please see the above point on editing staff information; your payroll is likely completed by someone else, or you're not at the payroll level.
Contact your payroll person or the Wageloch Helpdesk if you are still having problems terminating employees from Wageloch.

Guide: Managing Staff Information


There's a grey bar appearing in my roster for leave. How do I delete it?

If you see a grey bar in your rosters labelled as a leave type, this indicates that leave has been pre-booked and approved in the Leave Calendar. Once approved, only managers can cancel it, and you need to head back into the Leave Calendar to remove it.

  • Open Wageloch and sign in
  • Click the calendar icon, top right.
  • Select Staff Leave from the Leave tabs.
  • Find the employee in the list and click the arrow next to their name.
  • Click the arrow next to the leave type you need to cancel; this will expand
  • Click Select on the request you need to delete.
  • Once the request has been opened, you can edit or cut certain days out, or use the Clear All button.
  • Click Done to save.

Your roster should now be editable and the grey bar gone!

Guide: Deleting/Editing Leave

Mobile App

Staff: "I can't log into my mobile app. It says I'm not registered."

Depending on how recently the staff member was added into the system, sometimes it can take 15 minutes for their access to update, or potentially overnight. If the employee was only just added, leave it for about 15 minutes and have them try to request a password reset: Wageloch Password Reset

If it's been longer than 15 minutes and they require immediate access, please contact Helpdesk and we can push updates to our servers for you. Otherwise, if overnight is fine, ask the employee to try a password reset in the morning.

It's also important to know that if they've been able to set a password, but can't log in, they may be logging into the wrong side of Wageloch. Have your employee complete the following steps:

  • Open the Wageloch Mobile App
  • Enter their email address
  • Tap Reset Password; this will send an email with a link.
  • Open the email, click the link and set a password.
  • Close the browser window
  • Open the Wageloch Mobile App again and sign in!

If the employee continues to experience issues, please reach out to Helpdesk.

How do I set up the Wageloch Mobile App for staff to view their rosters and apply for leave?

To set up the Mobile App, you do need to be a full administrator to get access to this area in the Settings menu. This is the brief explanation, but we have a full walk through guide available.

  • Open Wageloch and sign in
  • Click the Settings cog from the top right.
  • From the menu, select Portal/Mobile App and Portal Setup.
  • On the Portal Settings screen, you'll likely see that the site is Not Active; click Next.
  • Security: Allows you to set up a Portal admin which enables a small amount of additional mobile app features (not linked to actual admin users).
  • Click Next.

  • Express Setup: You can now pick if you would like staff to view their rosters, apply for leave or submit availability. Click Next.
  • Emails: You can opt in for receiving email notifications when employee send leave/availability requests. Click Next.
  • Mobile App: You can decide to make any other changes in the mobile app, such as enabling staff to facilitate shift swaps or add late clocking notifications. Click Next.
  • Site Information: You can change the business name, timezone and default length of day (for leave requests). Click Next.
  • Confirm Setup: Summarizes your configuration. Click Next.
  • Activate: Click the YES toggle and click Save Information to activate the Mobile App!

Staff should receive a welcome email shortly after, requesting them to set a password and log in.

Guide: Mobile App Setup

Time Kiosk

How to I delete a PIN/Password/Fingerprint/Face Scan from Time Kiosk?

Depending on the device you're using (tablet or computer), the process should be pretty similar.

  • Go to the computer staff clock in/out from and open Wageloch Time Kiosk
  • Click the Settings cog, top right.
    • Computer: You'll be prompted to log in with your admin credentials at this point; one entered click Delete Password/Pin/Fingerprint.
    • Tablet: Select Delete Password/Pin/Fingerprint; you'll now be prompted to log in with your admin credentials.
  • Once the list of registered staff has appeared, select the employee you need to deregister.
  • Click Delete or Reset from the bottom window, and click Done to finish.
  • The employee should now show with a question mark (?) next to their name, ready to re-register!
    • Computer: If the question mark is still present, close/reopen Time Kiosk.

Guide: Clocking Methods

I'm trying to register an employee with Facial Recognition, but it says they're already registered

It's possible that if you're using facial recognition with Wageloch Time Kiosk on a tablet, that an employee has accidentally registered as someone else. This doesn't happen regularly, but when it does it's usually when the method "Facial Recognition with Name Selection is enabled.

  • Have the employee stand with you
  • In Time Kiosk, tap the Settings cog, top right.
  • Select Configuration from the menu and sign in with your admin credentials.
  • Change the clocking method to "Facial Recognition (touchless)" and click Save.
  • Have the employee attempt to clock in.
  • If they have registered as someone else, the employee name will appear on the screen.
  • You can then delete the accidental registration from the other employee then attempt to re-register.

Guide: Time Kiosk on Tablet


I need a new pay group, pay rule, timesheet column or right-click role created. What do I do?

Awesome! At this time you can't create new pay groups, update pay rules, add new timesheet columns or right-click roles yourself.
Please email the Wageloch Helpdesk with the following information, based on what your need is:

  • Pay Group: What is the name of the pay group, or which pay group does the change affect?
  • Rule: What are you needing to add in?
  • Behaviour: When does it apply, and how/what will it pay?
  • Exceptions: Are there any exceptions to the rule, such as times or when it's in overtime?
  • For Allowances: Is it an all the time thing, or a sometimes thing?

When you email this through, the more information the better! If we need to clarify additional details, we'll either give you a ring or reply to your email.

Guide: Award Information