Clocking on a Tablet

From Wageloch Wiki

Tablet Installation

Note: When setting up a brand new tablet out of the box, you'll need to complete the device setup first before completing any of these steps. Give yourself plenty of time!

  • Power on your iPad or Android tablet.
  • Ensure that the device is connected to the internet and power - this will always be required to ensure times are being relayed.
  • Go into the app store (Apple: App Store, Android: Google Play Store) and download Wageloch Time Kiosk.
  • Once downloaded, you'll be prompted to log in with your Wageloch management credentials; press Configure.
  • You'll be presented with a series of options - follow the explanation below to get the best out of your setup.

3.0 Admin Credentials & Configure.jpg


  • Site: This should display the name of the business, or give you options to select others (if available).
  • Add New Location: Identify the name of the device, i.e. Clocking Tablet, Warehouse, Kitchen, etc.
  • Clock Method: After viewing the clocking methods available on your tablet further down, select the method you wish to use.
    • If using Facial Recognition: Facial Distance is to select the distance for how far staff will be standing away from the device when clocking in/out.
  • Click Save to finish your configuration setup.

3.1 Facial Recognition with name selection.png

Tablet: Password Clocking

Once you've completed your initial device setup, including Wi-Fi and power, follow the steps below.

  • Download Wageloch Time Kiosk from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android)
  • You'll be prompted to log in with your Wageloch administrator details - press Configure
    • Site: This should already be pre-populated with your business name
    • New Installation: Give the device a name such as "Clocking Tablet", "Wageloch Tablet" or whatever you wish to name it
    • Clock Method: Select Password from the list
  • Click Save to finish


Staff Password Creation

Once your installation and setup has been completed, staff will be ready to register with a Password.

  • Click on the employee’s name
  • Type a password (minimum of 6 characters, can be upper/lowercase and numbers)
  • Type two more times for confirmation
  • Registration is now complete; staff can test clocking in/out

Deleting Passwords

Deleting Passwords may be required if the staff member forgets their password or if it was mistyped.

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk.
  • Click on the Settings cog and select Delete Password.
  • Click on the name of the employee from the list.
  • Click Delete in the bottom left and Done to complete.
  • You can now register the employee password again.

8.4 Click Settings and Delete Password.png 7.4 DELETE PIN.PNG

Tablet: PIN Clocking

Once you've completed your initial device setup, including Wi-Fi and power, follow the steps below.

  • Download Wageloch Time Kiosk from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android)
  • You'll be prompted to log in with your Wageloch administrator details - press Configure
    • Site: This should already be pre-populated with your business name
    • New Installation: Give the device a name such as "Clocking Tablet", "Wageloch Tablet" or whatever you wish to name it
    • Clock Method: Select PIN Code (4 digits) from the list
  • Click Save to finish


Creating a PIN

Once your installation and setup has been completed, staff will be ready to register with a PIN.

  • Click on the employee’s name
  • Type a 4-digit PIN
  • Type it again
  • Registration is now complete; staff can test clocking in/out.

Deleting PIN codes

Deleting PIN codes may be required if the staff member forgets their PIN or if it was mistyped.

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk on desktop, tablet or web.
  • Click on the Settings cog and select Delete PIN.
  • You'll be prompted for your administration credentials.
  • Click on the name of the employee from the list.
  • Click Delete in the bottom left and Done to complete.
  • You can now re-register the employee PIN again


Tablet: Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition with Name Selection


  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk app on tablet
  • Press on employee name and the front facing camera should appear
  • You'll need to fit your face within the frame of the camera; the closer the better
  • When you see a yellow frame appear, you need to press Register
  • The employee face is now registered and ready for clocking

Clocking In/Out with Name Selection

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk
  • Press on your name
  • Fit your face in the frame of the camera; if recognized you'll be clocked in or out
  • Your good morning/good afternoon/goodbye message will appear.

Facial Recognition Touchless


Facial recognition configured as Touchless requires staff to take their facial scan first, then select whose face it is.

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk app on tablet
  • The front facing camera will immediately appear
  • You'll need to fit your face within the frame of the camera; the closer the better

3.2 Touchless Registration.jpg

  • When you see a yellow frame appear, you need to press Register
  • Press the employee’s name from the list of available staff
  • The employee’s face is now registered and ready for clocking.

Clocking In/Out with Touchless

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk
  • Fit your face in the frame of the camera; if recognized you'll be clocked in or out
  • Your good morning/good afternoon/goodbye message will appear.

Deleting Face Scans

  • Open Wageloch Time Kiosk
  • Press the Settings cog in the top right and select Unregister Staff
  • Select the person you wish to unregister, and press Reset
  • You can now re-register the staff member's face

3.3 Delete Face Scans.png 3.3 Select & Delete.jpg
