Mobile App Troubleshooting

From Wageloch Wiki

Sometimes when the Wageloch app is set up for the first time, new users could experience some issues when downloading the app, trying to create their password or logging in for the first time. Below are some extremely common issues our Helpdesk team receives frequently, and how to easily resolve them.

You can also view the Using The App (Staff) article on how to configure your access if everything seems to be working.

Can't Download the App

From time to time we hear that staff cannot download the Wageloch Mobile App from the App Store or Play Store. One common occurrence is that the app store is set to a different region other than Australian or New Zealand, which on occasion will limit what apps are visible.

Please have your employee change their app store region to Australia, or let our Helpdesk know and we may be able to release the Mobile App to different regions.

No Welcome Email

"I haven't received my activation email for the Staff Portal. How do I get one?"

If an email address has only just been added or updated in the system for you (whether you're a new employee or existing), usually the Portal will auto-update overnight and send off your welcome email. If you still haven't received it after a couple days, check with your manager to find out if your email address is spelled correctly or if there may be other concerns. Once corrected, you can send a password reset request to generate a password link.

You can also try to bypass the welcome email by:

  • Downloading the Wageloch Mobile App
  • Entering your email address
  • Tap Reset Password - this will send you a password reset link
  • Set your password and log in

NOTE: If you receive a prompt saying your email address is invalid or not registered, please read further down on how to troubleshoot.

We sometimes find that emails from WageLoch might automatically filter off into your Junk or Spam folders - be sure to check these too!

If you're still having issues, yourself or your manager can can call Helpdesk for assistance.

Email Address Invalid or Not Registered

"The app is saying my email address is not registered when trying to login. What do I do?"

If you're a new employee, this is a common problem that appears shortly after starting to use the Mobile App. It may be that your employer hasn't got an email address in the system for you, the email address might be incorrect, or the system is waiting to update your information. This is typically related to the point above; you haven't received your welcome email.

If you're an existing employee and it's the first time you're trying to sign in, you may be using the incorrect email address to log in or there is no email address in the system.

We usually recommend to speak to your manager first in either of these instances, but you're welcome to give Helpdesk a call to find out the source of the problem.

Email Address or Password Invalid

"The app is saying that my email address or password is invalid, but I've been able to log in before. What can I do?"

If you're struggling to log into the app after you've been able to log in previously, you can try to reset your password. Visit the Password Reset page and enter your email address to receive a reset email.

When trying to reset your password it continues to state that your email address is invalid, please speak to your manager or call Helpdesk for assistance.

No Shifts Appearing

"There's no shifts appearing for me in the roster, but I think I have shifts. What do I do?"

If you're viewing the roster and you're not seeing any shifts appearing, we recommend you speak to your manager first. It could be that you have no shifts for that period, or they may not have finished the roster just yet.<rr>

Your manager can give Helpdesk a ring if there appears to be any concerns.

Multiple Roster Visibility

"I work across multiple stores and can only see the rosters for one. What's going on?"

Sometimes a common problem with working across multiple stores is that your email address might not be linking correctly, or your email address is different between the stores. Please call Wageloch Helpdesk to get your rosters fixed up!

Location Services

As part of being able to clock in/out with the Wageloch Mobile App, your location services are required to provide accurate data to your employer. This ensures that you are where you're meant to be, and that you're safe onsite.

Location services use your mobile signal, GPS data and bluetooth to triangulate where you're situated; the more you have turned on the better the accuracy!

  • Open the Wageloch Mobile App (sign in if you haven't already)
  • Tap the Menu in the top left and select Location.
    • Note: If you have not enabled your Location services previously, you'll be prompted to allow permissions.
  • If Wageloch has been set to allow access to your location, Google Maps or Apple Compass will appear with your indicator.
  • If you're showing in the right area, great! If not you may need to calibrate Google Maps/Apple Compass to improve accuracy.

How To: Calibrate Google Maps
How To: Calibrate iPhone Compass

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