Edit Pending Leave Requests

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Revision as of 05:03, 15 February 2023 by Cienna (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Editing Pending Requests=== * Open Wageloch Roster and sign in. * Click on the Calendar icon in the top right corner. * You’ll be presented with a Pending Requests sectio...")
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Editing Pending Requests

  • Open Wageloch Roster and sign in.
  • Click on the Calendar icon in the top right corner.
  • You’ll be presented with a Pending Requests section.
  • Here you will see requests that staff have submitted that is waiting for you to approve or decline with any comments they have left (i.e. doctors appointment, moving house, etc.).
  • Double-click on the name to bring up their request.
  • Here you can edit the type of leave, adjust the start/finish times or add/remove days.
  • Once complete, click Save to update.
  • This will immediately approve the leave request and slot it into the Calendar, rosters and timesheets.
  • Done to save and exit.