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Tasks are used to schedule yourself in reminders to complete a Task in the future, such as:

  • Obtaining copies of updated licenses and certificates.
  • Completing employee reviews
  • Checking FairWork for award or pay updates

Tasks can be created as a once off instance, a recurring task and has the ability to be escalated if not actioned.

When assigning to a staff member, email address or escalation point, your tasks will be sent as an email with the ability to mark them as complete.

In this article we'll be going through:

  • How to create a task
  • How to action a task when due

If you're experiencing difficulties following these steps or have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to Helpdesk

Create New Task

Creating a task is pretty straight forward, we just need to determine if we're going to create this as a once off task, if we need to escalate or would like to set it to have an ongoing occurrence.

Below we'll learn how to create a task with an escalation point and set it to recur.


  • Click on the Task icon in the top right corner.
  • In the Tasks screen you'll see:
    • Any Incomplete tasks waiting to be actioned, indicated by the Incomplete drop menu in the top right.
    • A Search bar to look for a particular task.
    • A drop menu filter to see tasks that are Incomplete, Complete or All.
      • TIP: Feel free to change between List and Grid view to change the layout of the Tasks screen.


  • Click New Task +
  • When your New Task window appears, you can start filling out the fields as needed.

New-task-new.png New-task-esco.png New-task-new-recur.png

Task Details

  • Due Date: Select the due date of your task.
  • Assign To: Enter the details of the person to complete the task, or assign it to a staff member within Wageloch.
  • Notify On: Select the date notifications will commence emailing.
  • Notify Every: Choose how often notifications will be emailed when the task is not complete, and how often they'll occur when the task is overdue.

Choose whether you'd like to enable escalation, how soon before the due date the notifications will escalate and who they will escalate to.

Opt to make this new task ongoing and how often/when it will repeat.

  • Once you've checked all the information in your task, click the Tick in the bottom right corner to create your task.
  • This will now send an email to your Assign To contact to advise they have a task to complete.

Actioning Tasks

When assigning a task to an Email Address or Staff Member, an email will always be sent to the person you've nominated.

Within the email the recipient will be provided the following information:

  • Task Name
  • Description of the task requirements
  • Mark as Complete button

When the task has been done, Mark as Complete should be clicked.

This will stop any additional notification emails or escalation from occurring and change the status of the task in Wageloch from Incomplete to Complete.

Task-action-email.png Task-thankyou-complete.png