Documents Sent

From Wageloch Wiki

Revision as of 01:39, 23 June 2023 by Cienna (talk | contribs)

Within the Documents Sent section of Wageloch HR, you’re able to keep tabs on what policies and contracts have been sent to employees, whether they’ve been signed and countersigned by a manager. You’re able to download the sent document and also resend a document a manager hasn’t received anything to sign.

Note: Countersign is only required on documents that have the Countersign placeholder in the template.

  • Contract/Policy drop menu: Pick if you’d like to view previously sent contracts or policies
  • Search: Use the search function to find specific staff or documents
  • Download Icon: Allows you to download the document at any stage of the process.
  • Arrow Icon: Allows you to resend the document if there’s been no movement on signatures


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