Timesheets by Department

From Wageloch Wiki

Sometimes when our implementation managers or trainers evaluate the needs of your business, one way to simplify things is to configure Departments. This can help you roster effectively, and speed up the timesheet process by having department managers finalize their own timesheets (see Users & Security about department restrictions).

In this article we'll be covering how to finalize timesheets by department and how to view/filter your pre-submit screen for better visibility of the hours being sent to payroll for processing.

Timesheets by Department

In Wageloch there is an option to finalize timesheets by department. This is especially useful if you have a large team that is overseen by department managers, and you would like those managers to only view, check and finalize hours in the timesheet for those particular staff.

While there can be a few full administrative users in Wageloch that can see and do everything for all staff and teams, department restrictions can be enabled in the Security area to limit visibility for specific users.

If you would like to enable the ability to finalize your timesheets by department, please contact Helpdesk to have this turned on!

  • Select Timesheets from the top menu and view your current timesheet.
  • Once your timesheet has loaded, there will be a department filter in the top right corner.
  • Use this to cycle between each department to finalize your timesheet days.

Pre-Submit Filter

Previously when viewing the Pre-Submit summary report before exporting to payroll, you would see all of your staff in a single report with the breakdown of their hours.
We've now updated this to allow department filtering; department managers are also able to see the summary without needing to export, and also view the totals for all staff across all departments as well