Users & Security

From Wageloch Wiki

Revision as of 00:51, 16 February 2022 by Cienna (talk | contribs)

In Wageloch, it is imperative to ensure that any users have the right level of access to the functions they need. In this article, we'll be discussing how to create a new user, set permissions/restrictions and deleting users.

Creating someone as a full administrative user when they do not need that level of access could cause information security concerns - we'll be addressing this in the permissions/restrictions section of this article and why it's important to set the user access correctly.

If after reading this information you still have questions, please contact Helpdesk.

Adding New Users

  • Click the Settings cog in the top right corner
  • Select Security from the menu options.
  • To create a new user, click on the User Email dropdown menu and select [create

new user…]

  • Type in the user’s best email address twice and click Apply.
  • You will now see a series of tick boxes which either permit or restrict access.
    • Note: You must Allow Access and click Save to use the check boxes.
  • Go through the different permissions and set what you would like this user to see, do

and have access to (see next segment on what each permission does).

  • When finished, click Save and then Close.

Setting Permissions and Restrictions

First Time Login

Open your internet browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) - Visit - Enter your email address and click Forgot Password. - You will now be sent an email that will let you set a password. - Once your password is set meeting the minimum requirements, you should now be able to log in.

Editing User Details and Permissions

Deleting Users