Message Centre

From Wageloch Wiki

Revision as of 06:51, 7 March 2024 by Cienna (talk | contribs)

Currently in development



Clock Notes

(7/3/24) This tool is currently only available for desktop installations of Time Kiosk, or [1]. It is not yet available on Android or iPads.

  • Open Wageloch and sign in.
  • Click the envelope icon in the top right to open the Message Center
  • Select Clock Notes from the menu
  • Tick boxes next to the names staff from the staff list on the left to send them a note.
  • Display clock notes for: Choose how long you'd like the note to appear for on the screen.
  • Select New Note: Pick whether to create a new note, or use a previous note.
  • Show Note From: Pick a date from the date selection menus (if you choose multiple days, they'll be prompted every day)
  • Require Confirmation: Note will stay on the screen until the staff member taps it to acknowledge they've seen it.
  • Type your message; short and sweet is best!
  • Click Send to finish.
  • Create as many as you like in advance!

Push Notifications

Mobile Clock Notes

  • Open Wageloch and sign in.
  • Click the envelope icon in the top right to open the Message Center
  • Select Mobile Clock Notes from the menu
  • Tick boxes next to the names of staff from the staff list on the left to send them the note.
  • Select New Note: Pick whether to create a new note, or use a previous note.
  • Show Note From: Pick a date from the date selection menus (if you choose multiple days, they'll be prompted every day)
  • Tick Also Send to Mobile App users (kind of important)
  • Enter a Subject
  • Type your message; short and sweet is best!
  • Click Send to finish.
  • Create as many as you like in advance!