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Be sure to click <b>Save</b> as you build!
Be sure to click <b>Save</b> as you build!

===Set Shifts with No Staff===
===Set Shifts with No Staff===

Revision as of 07:41, 11 May 2023

Using roster templates can make your rostering life easier, whether you have staff working set days and shifts, set shifts that need to be allocated to staff, or just need to add a standard roster into the system as a guide for your timesheets!
In this article we will be covering the different methods of how roster templates can be formed:

  • Set staff and shifts
  • Set shift times with no staff
  • Set staff/shift and set shift times.

If you get stuck or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Wageloch Helpdesk.

Creating a Template

  • On the Roster home screen, click the Rosters drop menu in the top right.
  • Select Templates.
  • Click Create New and select one of the following options:
    • Blank Roster - to start with an empty template
    • Template from Previous - use an existing roster to pre-fill your template.
    • Template from Template - use an existing template to pre-fill a new template.
  • For this example we'll be working with a blank roster and build it from scratch.
    • Note: You can create multiple roster templates, but if your roster rotates, please check our guide on Rotation Templates.
  • Give the template a name and click Done to generate.

HANDY TIP: Use the Copy From menu in the bottom right to copy data from day to day, a previous roster, another template and more!
Roster-template-menu.png Template-create-menu.png Blank-template.png

Set Staff and Shifts

Thankfully this aspect of creating a template is identical to basic roster creation.

  • Select the day to create shifts on.
  • Click the Add button in the bottom right hand corner; a shift row will be created.
  • On the shift row, click (Select Staff)
  • Tick the boxes next to the names of the employees who will always be working this day.
  • Add the desired shift start and finish times for each employee; add breaks as required.
  • Click Save.
  • Repeat for each day, or use the Copy From tool.

Be sure to click Save as you build!


Set Shifts with No Staff

This method of building is still very similar to basic roster creation but there is a slight variation. Creating set shifts with no staff names is useful for rosters that have set shifts but the staff will flex and change depending on workload and staff availability.
When the roster is created from this style of template, your staff leave and availability are then reflected in the dates and shifts can then be assigned out.

  • Select the day to create shifts on.
  • Click the Add button in the bottom right hand corner multiple times; add as many rows as you need for that day.
  • Add the shifts in; follow the Adding in Shift Bars area if unsure how.
  • Click Save for each day as you build.


Set Staff/Shifts and Shifts with No Staff

This method is a hybrid of using set staff with shifts and set shifts with no names.

Follow the steps above to add in staff with their set shifts, and shifts with no staff name to be allocated out during the roster creation phase.


Creating a Roster

Editing/Deleting Existing Templates